Monday, December 30, 2019

How RIF Works

How RIF WorksHow RIF WorksA reduction in force is a thoughtful and systematic elimination of positions. For all practical purposes, a government RIF is the same thing as a layoff. Avoiding a Lawsuit When RIFs are not done well and when there is insufficient communication with employees, lawsuits are more likely to be filed by those who are adversely impacted. Organizations must stick to predetermined criteria when sorting out what happens to each employee. They must communicate with employees how and why decisions are made. Knowing this information helps employees process the bad news. RIFs in the Federal Government The US Office of Personnel Management is responsible for overseeing RIFs by federal agencies. These agencies may choose when they want to implement a RIF, but they must follow the rules set forth by OPM. In deciding who stays and who goes, federal agencies must take four factors into account TenureVeteran statusTotal federal civilian and military servicePerformanc e Agencies cannot use RIF procedures to fire bad employees. Adverse personnel actions must be taken on an individual basis. While wertmiger zuwachs is a factor in RIFs, it is only one factor. Agencies cant simply get rid of their lowest performers. When agencies furlough employees for more than 30 calendar days or 22 discontinuous work days, they must use RIF procedures. An employee can be terminated or moved into an available position. The new position does not have to be at the same pay grade, but it does have to be within three grades or grade intervals of an employees current position. There can be a series of bumping that can go on as employees are placed in lower positions displacing employees in filled positions. Agencies must give employees 60 days notice before being terminated. In extreme circumstances, OPM can allow agencies to give as little as 30 days notice. If employees believe they have been unfairly treated, they can file an appeal with the Merit System Protection B oard. The appeal must be filed within 30 days of the RIF action. Getting Rehired Sometimes people in the private sector are hired back to their companies once they are laid off. Because of the budget structures in government, being brought back to the government organization is rare. People tend to come back by applying for vacant positions that were spared in the RIF process. Because these employees have experience with the organization, they have a leg up in the hiring process. Examples A state legislature reduces an agencys number of full-time equivalent positions by 10%. After factoring in the number of vacant positions, the agencys human resources department determines that that agency needs to lose 6% of its current employees. The agency considers reducing employees by attrition but based on the agencys turnover rate, human resources staff determine that this will not work. The agency decides they must implement a RIF in order to get the FTE countdown to an acceptable level. A city government decides it can save money by privatizing its trash collection. The city decides to implement a RIF of trash truck drivers and sanitation supervisors. The company that will take over trash collection will hire most of the displaced employees, but the city still needs a RIF to determine the order in which employees may be placed in vacant positions.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Out of Work, but Not Out of a Job

Out of Work, but Not Out of a JobOut of Work, but Not Out of a JobYour New Job is to Find WorkYou may have been laid off, but the good news is you arent out of a job. The moment you were handed your severance package you took on a new role Product Marketing Manager of Your Name Inc. Theres nothing wrong with being unemployed, so dont consider it a personal black mark treat it like a new job. Youre now in sales - or better yet, Director of the Research Department.Dont worry about telling folks you need a job. Just get in front of them and have research conversations. If they binnensee something they want in you, or they know of an opportunity, theyll let you know. The key is talking to as many people as you can do some viral marketing. Dont hide from the world. After all, the miracle connection might be right in front of you or only three degrees of separation away.So, other than a bit of decompression time (if you need it), youll want to get started in your new role right away. Aft er all, something better than what you left is waiting for you. And if you believe this, you are much more likely to prove it true. Here are some immediate steps to take1. Toot your own horn.Because we grow up in a society that tells us to not beat our drum or toot our own horn, it can take a crisis to focus on our positives.Use this moment of freedom to reflect on your accomplishments, skills, interest, values and personal characteristics. Youll find a positive sense of self that comes from marinating in your own value. This is exactly what will position your disposition for the versetzung project ahead. Done well and with some structure, this career inventory can not only inspire your concept of self but will serve as a basis for personal branding that can dramatically shift your resume and approach.2. Maintain your routine.When youve got perspective, organize your life around your new job of finding a job. Get up in the morning as usual, exercise and eat on the same schedule, and finish the day to be with your family as before. Just like you used to work four hours in the morning, have lunch and work through the afternoon, apply that same rigorous schedule to your new project. Youll stay sane, and be a lot more effective, by keeping your work time and other life structures consistent.Becoming an ace researcher in your areas of passionate interest and setting up conversations with folks based on those interests can create some backdoor inroads that will serve you. And dont stop there. Make sure that you end every conversation by asking for referrals to others who could help in your research

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Protecting ourselves from stress in the workplace

Protecting ourselves from stress in the workplaceProtecting ourselves from stress in the workplaceMike has a work project due. He has already spent several days on it. The boss is expecting the finished results on his desk before Mike leaves for the night. It looks like Mike is going to miss anotherbei dinner with the family. In fact, hell be lucky if he makes it home before the kids go to bed tonight.Julie works in customer service. She deals with unhappy customers all day, and many take out their frustrations on her. To make matters worse, her coworkers give her all of the worst cases. She is the newest employee, and isnt part of their clique, yet. By the time Julie gets home each day, she struggles to find the energy to help her children with their homework.What is stress?A 2017 report by the American Psychological Association found that 61% of the population experiences stress related to the workplace. If you are feeling stressed about work, you are not alone.Many of us can relat e to the workplace pressures in the above examples. Most of us know what stress feels like. What is it, though that actually happens with stress?Stress is a sensation that is caused by rising levels of cortisol. This cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands, and is used to raise an alarm in the brain. It works to initiate our flight-or-fight response, which gears us up to confront, or escape, danger. For some, this alarm is stuck in the on position. The stressed person is constantly in a state of being prepared for attack.Stress and the bodyStress has evolved as a natural motivator, and can be useful in small doses. The effects of excessive stress on the body, however, are numerous. Stress has been linked to heart attacks, obesity, and insomnia. Headaches, frequent illnesses, and sexual dysfunction are just a few more of the symptoms that can be present during prolonged stress.Stress and mental healthIn addition to producing physical symptoms, stress can take a toll on our mental health. The feeling of constantly being on edge can result in a lack of attention span increased irritability forgetfulness and substance abuse. Anxiety and depression are also often a symptom of stress.Common work-related stressorsThe most widely reported sources of prolonged stress at the workplace are found in the following list. Take a moment to consider how many of unterstellung pressures are affecting your life. Then, read on to learn some techniques you can use to reduce the impactDeadlines and QuotasBad ManagementCoworkersPoor Physical EnvironmentCoping strategiesNot many of us can afford to just up and leave our stressful jobs. What can we do when leaving is not an option? Lets examine some tactics.Deadlines and QuotasRemember the admonition to work smarter, not harder? This adage applies when it comes to meeting deadlines. Remember that what you do in isolation is not observed by your boss. You may be burning the midnight oil, but the boss is only around to see what you do in the office. Make sure that you are visibly observed as going full-throttle with the project. A boss who sees an employee working hard is more likely to be gracious when it comes to extending deadlines. Communication can go a long way here, as well. Keep your boss updated on the daily progress, and you may find yourself under less pressure to take your work home.Bad ManagementAnswering to a manager who does not take important factors into consideration is no fun. In this situation, a change of perspective is in order. Once we become aware of our situation, it can be beneficial to lower our expectations. If we already know that our boss is not going to listen to our input, we can go in armed with this knowledge. Simply accepting that things will be mismanaged can go a long way toward relieving the frustration. It can even become a little fun, watching the predictable disaster unfold as we simply go with the flowNegative CoworkersFor some, the negative vibes associated with things like favoritism, gossiping, and slacking can suck the life right out of the office. For those who find themselves drained by these interactions, it can be useful to remember that we can choose our friends, but not our coworkers. Remember that we can choose to tune out the negativity, though. Save your thoughts for getting the work tasks done, and save your emotions for your loved ones at home.Poor Physical EnvironmentSitting in one position all day can make the body feel stressed. Similarly, a lack of pure light like from the sun can change the chemical composition within the body, and can result in a sense of depression.Some changes that can be made to the physical environment include adding a standing desk, or bringing in a natural-light lamp. In addition, studies have found that taking a short break to go outside for even five minutes can increase productivity, overall.Take care of yourselfWhen it comes to managing workplace stress, self-care is critical. Just as the rule for saving money is to pay yourself, first, the rule for managing stress is to love yourself, first. Make sure that you are spending a small amount of time, each day, doing something that you enjoy. Go for a jog, do some yoga, read a book, or take a hot bath.Dont forget that sick time can be applied to mental woes, as well, so dont be afraid to use your time to take a mental health day. In the case of managing work-life balance, make sure to look into the laws surrounding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA.) These laws protect us when we need to take time off of work to tend to our loved ones.Dr. Jeff Nalin, PsyD is an award-winning licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Certified Chemical Dependency Intervention Specialist. Dr. Nalin is the Founder and Chief Clinical Director at Paradigm Malibu Treatment Center with locations in both Malibu and San Francisco. Dr. Nalin was instrumental in the development of the treatment component of Los Angeles Countys first Juvenile Drug Court, wh ich now serves as a national model.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Leaders, Do You Have a Traffic Problem

Leaders, Do You Have a Traffic Problem Leaders, Do You Have a Traffic Problem Recently, I came across a popular unattributed quote floating around online (in a meme, of course). It states,You are not deckenfries in traffic, you are traffic. Its a powerful comment on the tendency of people to remove themselves from blame in bad situations and theres a business lesson to pull from this idea, too.Leaders, if something in your organization isnt working whether it be boring meetings orineffective communication Ive got some tough news Youre part of the problem.The good news, however, is you can fix things if you commit to change.As a business coach, I work with businesses to identify these traffic issues, and I help leaders enact change through use of the Rockefeller Habits, a collection of business fundamentals developed by Verne Harnish.The habits arent just friendly reminders or general guidelines they are the aggregated best practices of the worlds most accomplished organizations .The Rockefeller Habits are effective, but they require real effort from a leader willing to accept responsibility for organizational issues. If you recognize traffic problems at your organization and are willing to accept responsibility, here are two essential stepsto take if you want to eliminate those issuesStep 1 Create Meeting RhythmsEstablishing meeting rhythm is a great way to ensure that quick, consistent, and accurate communication keeps flowing from top to bottom (and bottom to top) in your organization. platzset up a rhythm ofregularly scheduled, consistent meetings where your kollektiv members can discuss items for which they are accountable and that support organizational and individual priorities.In my work, I have found that one of the most essential and effective meetings is the daily huddle. Now, a lot of leaders scoff when I insist that they needtoadd another meeting to their daily schedules, but trust me This one is vital to organizational success.Set aside a time each morning for your entire gruppe (yes the entire team) to gather for 10-15 minutes. At this meeting, everyone should discuss their daily schedules and any other information the rest of the team should know, progress on key performance indicators, tasks they need help with or are stuck on, and nonnegotiable priorities that need to be accomplished that day.As a leader, make sure toprep for each huddle with intention and zeal Gather beforehand a few high-level insights that the entire team needs to know about, and throw in a little something extra from a personal standpoint, such as a recent win or struggle youve experienced. If you demonstrate a willingness to share, others will learn to do the same. The next thing you know, people will actually look forward to the huddle and even depend on it.Another meeting we encourage is a biweekly one-on-one. This is an opportunity for a team member to sit down with a manager to talk openly and honestly about workloads, shifting priorities, struggles at work, and even struggles at home. Aside from giving leaders the inside scoop on team functionality, these meetings provide employees with the opportunity to vent to someone who can take actionon the matter. Otherwise, an employees negativity could spread to others in the office.Step 2 Install AccountabilityThe second step is to incorporate accountability into these meetings, ensuring that team members are doing the things they have promised to do.Every single team member in your organization should leave these new meetings with action items or next steps towards a goal. If theyre not, the meetings arent being used correctly. (No wonder theyre boring for some of your people) Furthermore, you should check on tasks assigned in previous meetings to stay updated on their status and next steps.Preparing an agenda of discussion topics for each meeting can help keep meetings on track. Even a rough outline can help reign in conversation and keep people focused on the larger goal at hand.During these meetings, track the conversation on some kind of visible medium, such as a document or a whiteboard. A visual representation of goals, action items, and reminders is a bold and memorable way to keep people organized and on track.The point of smarter meetings is to open up communication and help team members accomplish their goals. When you establish consistent rhythms, those pesky traffic problems will become a thing of the past. Ready to try it in your organization?JT Terrell is a certified Petra Coach.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Every Job Seeker for Him or Herself

Every Job Seeker for Him or Herself Every Job Seeker for Him or Herself As clearly stated in the subtitle, the premise of the article is that job seekers need to understand that recruiters do not work for them. But Im here to tell you, job seekers, no one works for you.Not the CEO, not the people in HR who are supposed to be there for you, not your anfhrer who seems to like you and not your co-worker who chats it up with you on your lunch break.The recruiter doesnt work for you nor does the hiring manager. In the job seeking (and ultimate business) world, its every job seeker for him and herself. Sounds harsh, but its true.Need some proof? The writer of the article listed five tips for job seekers to remember when working with recruiters, yet I can easily show you how each tip rings true for anyone in the job seeking and employed worlds. Shall we dive in?AOL says Recruiters dont work for you.Keep in mind the company with the job opening is paying the recruiters salary, so he or she is beholden to that organization and does not work for you. Job seekers who think the recruiter works for them will be disappointed when the recruiter who seemed very interested and solicitous becomes distant and doesnt have time to call says No one works for you. Its understandable how job seekers would assume a person whose role seems to be to get them a job isnt actually working for them, but for the paying company. But just the same, hiring managers and HR seek to discover top talent, yet they still dont work for job seekers. Like recruiters, managers arent obligated to do anything for an applicant, unfortunately even if they contact the person after receiving his/her resume. People do work to benefit whoever is paying them, and 9 times out of 10, thats not a job seeker.AOL says Do not tell your recruiter you dont know how long you want to keep working.If youre thinking of dropping out of the workforce to stay home with your children, care for an aging parent or start your own business, your recruiter may stop returning your says Keep your career plans to yourself. While AOLs career advice is right on, job seekers shouldnt disclose too much of their career plans to anyone when it comes to applying for a job. A hiring manager works for a company just like a recruiter. Even when you land a role, be cautious. Just because your manager seems easy to talk to or your co-worker seems trustworthy doesnt mean he or she will understand or support your future plans. Knowing a worker isnt invested in a company for the long run can send red flags to the business.AOL says Never spill your guts to a recruiter.Unlike a best friend, coach or therapist, a recruiter is not interested in your problems or says Save in-depth, personal convos for outside the workplace. Recruiters, HR, managers and even colleagues arent too interested in your personal life. Keep a strict line between your professional and personal liv es, remembering like Vegas, what happens outside of work should stay outside of work.AOL says Be honest.While you dont want to spill your guts to a recruiter, it is not advisable to lie, either. Unlike a best friend, who does not count on your professionalism to pay her mortgage, and may forgive a fib once in a while, your recruiter relies on candidates who represent themselves says Use wisdom. Lets be real. Do you think when hiring managers at McDonalds ask an applicant, So, what made you apply for this position? they really believe his/her response of Well, Ive always admired how McDonalds treats its workers and wanted to join the team? We can all be honest and agree that the answer is no.Use wisdom when talking to everyone- whether the recruiter or your manager. If your goal isnt to work at the company for the next 10 years, dont say it is. Focus on your desire to work for the company now and how it will benefit your current career goals, which (throw thi s in) perfectly align with the companys mission. Find creative ways to explain your plans without directly saying, Hey, I just need some cash right now. Bottom line is recruiters and HR managers arent dumb- most people would ditch their jobs if they werent receiving a paycheck every two weeks.AOL says Recruiters expect you to be loyal.Loyalty to a best friend doesnt mean you cant be friends with other people, but a job seeker can land in really hot water if two recruiters submit his qualifications for the same Your loyalty, as a job seeker, lies with you. Like the premise of AOLs article explains, recruiters dont work for you. And I remind job seekers that no one does. Job seekers are in it for themselves and need to do what is best for them. Apply to as many companies as you can and go on multiple interviews. Keep your options open. You arent tied down to any one company until you have accepted a job offer and completed the new hire paperwork.

Friday, December 6, 2019

What Hobbies to List on Resume Is - and What it Is Not

What Hobbies to List on Resume Is - and What it Is Not If you want to learn to earn cash with ANY hobby, have a look at my guide. Maybe you wish to stretch your leadership abilities and teach a neighborhood baseball team. It isnt necessary that you must have the generic photography or football for a pastime. If youre mixed up in a number of sports teams throughout the calendar year, look for a means to summarize the activity in a couple of words and be cautious not to overshare. The Hobbies to List on Resume Stories Employers should believe you have the correct strengths and expertise to excel in the job. Resumes are supposed to show you have what is necessary to do exceptional work in a specific position. Therefore, its best that you start by making a list of hobbies on resume you will list. So, since you can see, a hobby can be literally anything you would like it to be. Youre able to reveal your hobby is cooking. Only consist of photography under hobbies if it is a pe rsonal avocation. If youre uncertain about whether to include hobbies, you need to consider these things. For the large parte, you only ought to list hobbies if theyre professionally relevant. As previously mentioned, it is perfect to incorporate various hobbies or interests in your resume if you decide that its appropriate. Your hobbies and interests probably incorporate a blend of team-focused pursuits and solitary pursuits. There are usually three steps you should follow to create an amazing hobby section on your CV. Since you likely dont have a good deal of Work Experience, you can include your Achievements as an individual section. Perhaps your skill platzdeckchen is totally different. Now, within the next section, its your time to specifically validate your earlier statement with some type of examples and proofs. Resume extracurricular activities ought to be carefully selected. Hobbies and resumes are sometimes a tricky combination. You could also have volunteer ex perience. Interviews are an excellent chance to dive deeper. While every resume should comprise sections like education and expert experience, you may think about adding optional information based on your background. For some, locating a hobby is a natural and effortless procedure. Attempt to prevent pole dancing here, particularly if youre asking for a more significant job like a barrister, for example. Generally speaking, the primary purpose of a resume is to clearly show your competence and show that you have what it can take for a given job. The Lost Secret of Hobbies to List on Resume You might also reveal your insights available on the market by speaking about a number of the prominent firms and their success stories. If youre looking out for management jobs, make sure you reveal your eagerness to learn how to lead. If youre searching for an internship at a company such as Google, for instance, one previous intern says hiring managers wish to see interesting personal details on your CV. If youre on the lookout for an internship at a company such as Google, for instance, one previous intern says hiring managers wish to see interesting personal details on your resume. The End of Hobbies to List on Resume Knowing your interviewers individual interests provides you with a pocket full of icebreaker topics. Decide on the fruchtwein relevant strengths match the absolute most for a specific job youre going to apply every moment. Furthermore, the list of strengths weve advised you to compile in your way, might also be found handy as you face job interviews. There are a few interests that might help in a banking job interview. Characteristics of Hobbies to List on Resume When youre adding activities, make certain you only place the ones which you actually contributed to. Showing some interests and activities beyond your work experience could really offer you a leg up over the remainder of the candidates. The capability to commit to a particul ar endeavor for a protracted time period is an admirable and appealing element of resume extracurricular pursuits. Needless to say, there are hundreds and hundreds of examples of hobbies which you could put on your resume. Deciding upon a related hobby reinforces the simple fact that Jack has the skills essential for the job. Before you begin, were in the practice of writing a bit about each hobby so you may explore it further. These examples of hobbies are optimized to show certain abilities or abilities that are going to be advantageous to various profiles. Creating and editing images on the internet is a blast, and youll be able to learn how to do it free of charge by watching some on-line tutorials. Based on a business, you may also follow up by simply listing a number of the quirkier hobbies youve got. Its possible to produce the list category wise. Mentioning an extensive collection of hobbies and individual interests on resume might be an issue as the man or woman m ay come out to be very distributive. This expert suggestions for including extracurricular interests on your resume can help you get the most out of a hobby section to optimize your resume for the business and role you are trying to get. The Hidden Gem of Hobbies to List on Resume Painting You get a creative mind. Hobbies may also paint a photo of your nature and energy, giving you that precious edge over the remainder of the resume pile. Such hobbies signify that youre a person who has the capability to work as part of a team.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

How Video Interviewing Helped METER Groups Hiring Efficiency - Spark Hire

How Video Interviewing Helped m Groups Hiring Efficiency - Spark HireLast in our series of customer spotlights from the SHRM Annual Conference is John Zeugschmidt. To check out Illinois Tool Works conversation, completed by Sarah Thio, click here.My first conversation was with Talent Acquisition Specialist at METER Group, Jon Zeugschmidt. Between sessions at SHRM, he dropped by and told me how Spark Hire has helped him become more efficient in his position. Dont take my word for it, watch his video testimonial (or read the transcript below) My name is John Zeugschmidt, and work at METER in Pullman, Washington, and I work in Talent Acquisition.What challenges were you experiencing prior to using Spark Hire?The challenges that we had prior to Spark Hire were largely due to interviews taking so much of hiring managers time. And just kind of the frustration that comes along with that, decreased productivity, morale, and happiness around interviews. How did Spark Hire help you overcome th ose challenges?Spark Hire helped us overcome those challenges by giving our hiring managers a group of video interviews to review on their own time, so it freed up their schedule. It also allowed us to put more people in front of the hiring managers so they could make those decisions. It wasnt just HR making the pre-screening decisions. We can give them more people in a shorter amount of time, so they can really own the hiring process and make those decisions themselves.What aspect of Spark Hire have you found to be the fruchtwein valuable?The aspect of Spark Hire thats been the most valuable to use is being able to have multiple stakeholders be able to view an interview as opposed to just who was available at the time. We can share that video interview internally, and good candidates are shared more frequently than those that arent. So it almost travels virally within our company when we find a good candidate.Would you recommend Spark Hire to others?I would absolutely recommend Spa rk Hire to anybody that is in HR or does a significant amount of hiring. Its going to increase your productivity. Its one of those few tools that as an HR professional, that you can definitively show the ROI. So its an absolutely great tool that you can use to help make your organization more efficient and hire better people.